Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Vegetables anyone?

...I'm going to get to the dream, eventually.

So I'm on day 2.5 being a vegetarian.
Pick your chin up off the floor and don't get too excited. <--Graham.

I'm not doing it to be healthy, I'm only doing it to see if I can go vegetarian for two weeks. It was inspired by my dear friend Babu, or maybe I should say, Babu's wife. She's cutting her entire family off from meat for two weeks. So I got to thinking, I wonder if I could do it.
Here I am, approaching day 3 and it bloody sucks.

First off, being a meat eater my entire, it's not easy quitting cold turkey (haha pun intended).

Second, I never noticed until now how much I nibbled a bit here, nibble a bit there. I should be well into day three by now if it wasn't for this apparent habit. I catch myself reaching for a slice of pepperoni or a piece of bacon all the time. It sucks.

Thirdly, the food just sucks on this side of the fence. I mean, I don't know how you veg-heads do it. It's bland, boring and tasteless so far. I know, I know, there are some really good veggie dishes out there, but I have yet to have time to try them. I did make egg salad the other day and it was delicious. For the most part my belly isn't very happy about this.

Too early to tell whether or not I'm healthier, but I'm pretty certain no amount of vegetables are going to help counteract the amount of poisons I put into my body every day.

I'm confident I can make it another 11 days, as long as I don't slip up and eat me some meat.



Gman said...

Ok, now that the laughter is subsiding. hahahaha
Nevermind, I can't stop laughing.

SisterChristian said...

guess you won't be coming for cous cous huh?