Thursday, May 22, 2008

It was brought to my attention

After further thinking and maybe some dice rolling, here is what I have come up with.

STR 10
DEX 17
INT 13
WIS 15
CHA 13

STR: I was aiming too high the first time, I know that. This time I just copied Jay G's, and until we arm wrestle we will remain tied.

DEX: I reduced this one by one, only because I feel sorry for you all. None of you have as much readiness and grace as I do. You will just have to live that.

CON: I am not healthy, I know this. My -3 pack of smokes, -1 Bazooka Joe's. I certainly don't eat healthy. I haven't been to a cleric in years.

INT: I gave myself a modifier bonus. A +4 pen/pencil I carry in my hat or behind my ear. A +2 piece of paper/book with me at all times. Some other items that I've seem to have misplaced in my bag of holding.

WIS: I would like to think I have a decent amount of wisdom. I am very aware of my surroundings. I am intuitive and perceptive; common sense sorta comes and goes depending on how much I have to drink.

CHA: I do alright here, not as well as the Jay's but I think I could turn my share of undead. when are we playing again????


JayBeingJay said...

So you are in a tavern and the barwenches are all standing off to one side of the bar complaining amongst themselves...

Oh wait, that's not roleplaying.. that's real life!

Gman said...

Is this really what our blogs have come to? Well, I can't resist rolling up my own stats. As a lycanthrope, I do have drastically different attributes depending on which form I'm in. So, here we have pre and post-car bomb stats:

STR 9 / 12
DEX 15 / 3
CON 12 / 18
INT 17 / 4
WIS 12 / 0
CHA 10 / 12

As you can see, I'm much stronger and nearly invincible in my alternate form, but much more likely to fall down, babble about nonsense, and make foolish decisions. But it's somehow endearing...

Thedante said...

"Is this really what our blogs have come to?"

No gman, this is what my blogs have come to. It's either this, or I could depress you and tell you that I only think about killing myself 5 days a week now rather than 7. :)